Friday, June 3

Day #3

To see today's prompt, click here.

Swimming around in ideas is one of my favourite pastimes, and as such, I'm a big fan of intellectual sparring. I like to disagree, test my beliefs, and maybe even learn something in the process.   I think Plato's dialectic is fascinating, and though it may not result in the discovery of any ultimate truth as the Ancient philosophers held it would, it never fails to improve the minds of those who engage. I often have dialectic conversations with myself, and they haven't made me nuts yet, so the process can't be all bad...

All that's really a preface to say that while most of the people in my life share my views on the "important" things in life - ethics, politics, religion - we often engage in heated verbal battles over the little things. You know: Daniel Cleaver versus Mark Darcy, Pacey versus Dawson, Angel versus Spike. That sort of thing. And while preferring the tall, dark, and broody vampire over the blonde bad boy vampire may not amount to a passionate belief, it certainly makes for interesting water cooler talk.

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